For some time I have been working on a large fantasy dungeon project to be released through the Dungeon Masters Guild as a series of perhaps 2 dozen related products for 5th Edition D&D.

I've come to the conclusion (perhaps I should have reached this conclusion months ago) that in order to meet my expected time goals I'm not going to be able to do this alone. One of the best ways to divide up this project is to bring a cartographer on board to do the maps (while I continue with the writing and other development).

So, I'm looking for someone to partner with me for this commercial project.

This project will need 15-20 poster maps (24x36" @ 1":80' scale) for printing, and these maps will also be used to generate small DM overview maps (500 pixels) and hundreds of high resolution battle maps optimized for VTT use. I expect to accomplish this within a reasonable amount of effort, vector based mapping will be needed (I have started doing some of this with CC3+), but I am open to other solutions.

Questions about the project can be discussed here. Any specifics on how we might work the partnership can be addressed to me by email if desired;