
Looks like you have a good start on what you want your world to be like.

Sounds like you are taking a scientific approach to world building, one that I myself have always strived toward. If you already have an idea of where your continents and islands are going to go, you may find some difficulty in resolving the underlying plate tectonics. So you might want to try some quick sketches of the plate boundaries first. There is nothing more frustrating than having a beautiful arrangement of land masses only to realize that geologically there is no way for them to exist (as far as we understand the science, anyway).

Also, I think in your "current numbers" you meant kilometers instead of miles? 10,219 km is roughly 1.6 times Earth's radius of 6,371 km. If you actually meant miles, with a radius of 10,219 miles that would make your planet have a surface area of roughly 1,310,000,000 km2, which is over 6 and half times that of Earth. That's a lot of A4 pages to hand-draw.

Good luck!