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Thread: Warning about HP Laptops - incompatibility with Win 10 Creators Update

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  1. #11
    Guild Adept acrosome's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
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    Mwa-ha-ha-ha! We have her, now!

    Ah, the command line. The command line is like DOS in Microsoft machines- it's one step closer to the metal than the Windows GUI. Like DOS, it uses a command vocabulary and grammar, and it is very different from DOS. You just have to learn it.

    And, yes, unfortunately you do have to learn it, at least in a very basic form. This is because NO MATTER WHAT THE LINUX GEEKS TRY TO TELL YOU, if you do anything more than running your favorite app or word processing or getting on the internets, then at some point you're going to want to do something that cannot be done through the GUI. Especially if you find some obscure beta version of some software somewhere, like WorldEngine or something. So, you should at least learn the file structure and very basic commands like ls, cp, grep, and cd. The Linux for Dummies book actually isn't a bad place to start, but a basic one specific to your particular distro might be better if you are not a total computer neophyte (for instance, if you knew what DOS was when I mentioned it above). There are already at least two Mint 18 books out.

    FWIW, I always thought that GIMP worked absolutely marvelously in Linux.

    Oh, and usually, when you actually do the full install, Mint will specifically ask you what keyboard you have.

    Damn. I'm getting motivated to break out my old Mint laptop, just to mess around a bit. Linux was always SO MUCH more fun to just putter about with than Windows ever was...
    Last edited by acrosome; 12-11-2017 at 06:55 PM.

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