My Name is Parotan or Niro,

In the past I was a regular visitor in the Dundjinniforums and lurked the Usercreations. My first posts of my mashups were there too. Mostly doing mashups of existing Token/Pictures to fill special needs of my PnP-campaign on
Started with some creatures and SFX, then also uploaded some of my Battlemaps. I use Roll20 to build them which means they contain only freeforall images which the webside offers itself in the mapbuilder (and almost everytime belong to the archives of dundjinni)

Dundjinniforums have bean dead for quite a while now, in my opinion a very sad thing, so now im looking for a new community to post a map from time to time.
Hope you all enjoy and we find great inspiration,ideas and use in each others posts.

Sorry for my bad grammar, I'm from Germany and not used to writing in english that much.
Thanks for reading and so long.