
One amongst many here: Another cartographer! I kind of started this because I was annoyed by my maps for my own world (I'm an author as well) looking crappy. But by now I'm doing commissions and really enjoying it and I just want to learn as much as I can and probably do some commissions as well. I am currently working all traditionally. Mostly ink, but I can color with watercolor pens as well. So this is my stuff (at least the smaller ones, the bigger ones are too big for this forum obviously and it's late here, so I don't feel like doing anything complicated ^^'


So anyway: About me. I'm 23, student (but bored of it and just want to be creative - which is something my mom never likes to hear), loves fantastic worlds, loves to get creative. Yep, that's me. I'm unfortunately not very good at drawing people but I think I'm getting a hang of how to draw places. Want to delve deeper into it though. I want to be a master at it, so hopefully one day this will be my "day job" - the other part of me will always be a writer, but my writing self is not very reliable, so trying to make her pay the bills is like... hoping my neighbors might come over to just clean my toilet. Because they like to do it. Of course they could but it's not very likely now, is it? And I just need something where I can be creative. Anything else gets me demotivated and annoyed very quickly. I've tried.
Sooo... anyway: Looking forward to getting to know you. And to get some sleep. Really it is late. But I wanted to say hello now anyway.
