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Thread: Warning about HP Laptops - incompatibility with Win 10 Creators Update

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  1. #11
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    It seems to me to be a bit of a risky thing to mount the windows partition in a writable state anyway.

    But to turn off the hibernate you need to boot up windows and go in and set the shutdown type and remove the fast boot from there and then _really_ shut it down. Like a lot of things the MO of windows (and a lot of other consumer stuff) nowadays is to tell you one thing but actually do another.

    Presumably once that has been done then you could mount the partition in linux.

    If you want to know about the ro option then open a terminal and type:

    man mount

    which will bring up the manual for the mount command. The -r option will mount it read only but I suspect that it talking about the options to the fstab file which holds all of the mount options. Were starting to get a bit technical now but then your into mounting a partition which is not a small thing any more.

    So with your terminal still open type:

    cat /etc/fstab

    and look at the file. If you want to edit it to add the entry for the mount partition and make that read only option then you need to run an editor like:

    sudo vi /etc/fstab


    sudo nano /etc/fstab

    If this is too deep then I would suggest not mounting the windows partition. Its not a particularly sensible thing to do. If your able its better to take your map files over to a USB drive and then access it from both windows and linux that way. Or use a network and share a folder on windows and use linux to read and write through it. Or make a third partition on your hard drive which is your user data and format it ntfs and put your work there and then mount that read write in linux.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 12-19-2017 at 11:36 AM.

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