Quote Originally Posted by industrygothica View Post
And I think it was stated before that there are tons of areas open for city or regional mapping, or even for smaller-scale stuff like buildings or other locations.

If it's a landscape you want, the region of Briar's Cove on my Witchlight Strand map is very much available, and affords the opportunity for multiple city/town locations and a bit of terrain in between. It's not a full-sized map like the others, but you could probably get a good 50 mile square out of it if you tried, if not a bit bigger.

That, and I could really use some help developing the details of the entire region - I've been stagnate with it for a while now.

It's an option - take it if you want it, or there plenty more where that came from.
I like that idea a bit better, of mapping out a smaller region, so would I map a city, or city locations? As you say a city or two, like just how close in of a view is it? Would I map the inner city, or just as a dot/location..

sorry I ask so many questions, I'ld rather know what exactly I'm doing before I do something completely different, you know?