
I've visited this site on and off for years, using some maps in my games. I've dabbled some in creating maps but time has always been an issue. An idea I've had for awhile fits right in with this challenge so I'm going to give it a try.

The Mines of Spain State Rec. Area in Dubuque, Iowa, USA has a monument for the town founder. It is a small tower over his grave on a point overlooking the Mississippi river. I propose making a fantasy version of a trail map lead up from the river and then a simple plan map of a fantasy variation of the tower.

Here is a picture of the tower from Wikipedia.
By Billwhittaker at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/inde...curid=40185596

I am going to us images from Google maps and the USGS just for scale, placement of the tower, and topography. Now to get started.