Hey there everyone. so this this my 2nd installment of the worlds of Colara, Calyx. One of the main 4 worlds. There was a major oopsy from the first one, I originally wanted to keep all the symbols the same between the maps, however i neglected to save some of them and trying to recreate them turned into a major hassle and didnt work 100%. So some of them are slightly off. With that being said. I love this map. I love the color scheme and how it looks, but i realize it is also very dark and a little difficult to read. I have messed with it for quite a while and this this the best i can do. If anyone has any suggestions how i could possibly make it easier to read that would be wonderful, but this is the best i can get at my current skill level. Calyx, like Reith was done in Photoshop CC2018.

I think the all of the maps are going to be done in the same kind of style, with different vibrant color schemes and the land looking beveled or floating. I am very attracted to the darker more jelwel like tones even though i know that lighter colors can be better for maps, but while i appreciate and love that in other people's work every time i try it i just get really irritated and end up going into the darker colors anyway. My brain can be a stubborn beast. So here she is. Calyx is her dark jeweled beauty. Hope you guys like it and again if anyone has any suggestions please feel free.
