As the title says, I'm trying to figure out the scaling and dimensions to recreate an overworld map that I originally drew in MS Paint (See the first attachment below) I recently obtained CC3+ and set off trying to map the large island/small continent that I've named the Forest of Death (not creative, but effective for its intents and purposes). I used the default 1000x800 template for the map. I'm in the process of rescaling some of the mountain and vegetation symbols on the smaller islands, but I've attached the CC map as it currently stands.

I'm kind of asking 2 things:

1) I'm not entirely satisfied with the CC map yet. Love the software, though. Is there anything I could do that might make it better?

2) Moving forward, what kind of suggestions do you have for dimensions and scaling as I map the other continents and islands of the world?

NentaiRegions.png Forest of Death.PNG