Quote Originally Posted by Kelleri View Post
It's true that it is more illustration than a map, but really cool nonetheless. Now THIS is a color palette I can get behind!
Hehe, I know right ? I am not known for my dark color maps.
I have a dark scifi one sitting around my hard drive waiting to be completed.
It's a blue theme with a bit of outer space going on.
Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Absolute beauty. I love the colours and perspective of the map. The 1000 eyes give me the creeps, so i don't have to tell that this is "bloody" excellent illustration ')
Thanks Voolf
Quote Originally Posted by Tonnichiwa View Post
Well that's terrifying! Great looking map John! I love the whole presentation.
Thank you Tony
Quote Originally Posted by -NoXoN- View Post
J i love all your maps, your style is so good. You always use nice fonts

1) There is no country called Macedonia, it should be F.Y.R.O.M
2) Serbia is not that big, Kosovo is independent and is recognized by majority
Thanks NoXoN
I didn't realize the FYRO part was important.
Obviously that isn't going to fit in there now though. Well, idk.. maybe I could fit it in there.
The Kosovo part - I just didn't notice that. I was referencing Bing maps, I think.
I did see the dotted line but didn't know it was to be separate.
I am pretty sure I can't fit that in there, unless the type was really small.
Obviously neither of those was intentional.
Idk, maybe I will fiddle with it and see what can be done.
Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
Nice one John !
Thanks Thomas
Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
You are right about the Kososvo, but Macedonia (name) is also regognized by majority right now. I can understand Greece dispute about the name, but just because one country doesn't regognize it, it does not mean all will call it as Greece wants. Quite sad from Greece perspective, but true nevertheless. FYROM means The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and it is temporary name used to address the country during official UN meetings untill both "FYROM" and Greece find a solution to the problem. Untill then i don't think whole world will be changing name to a temporary one. Even if, we should call it Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia not FYROM (out of respect, the abbreviation sounds awful)

That beeing said, let's keep in mind that when we map our Earth we choose to map a certain era of our civilization. J.E. maybe picked a year when there was still no independent Kosovo on the map :/
I personally see a lot of Europe maps without Poland. As sad as it is for me, i can understand that because there was no Poland in the Europe for 123 years after partitions of Poland.

There is also hard to include small countries on the map like Lichtenstein, Andorra or Luxemburg from cleanness perspective. We can never put the name withing the countries' boundaries ;(
It's true that it can be hard to fit some of the names for some in there.
Especially when some of the smallest lands have the longest names.
Lichtenstein does come to mind.
In the end, this is not really a political map or one for navigating or any other accuracy related purpose.
It's based on an manga/anime about a super vampire working for the British government/aristocracy.