So here's what I've worked on over the break. First, a last minute Christmas present I made for my brother, who is a huge fan of the Redwall series. I based it off this map here and some of the maps from the books (much to my chagrin it seems major landmarks appear to move depending on the book)

Furthermore, I loved the mountains of Dalanard and used them for this. Wish I could have done it justice.

My brother added the Abbey himself

So I can get nervous when classes start, especially when I don't know many people. Also some classes are boring. To distract myself I've been doing these small little things, not sure what to call them. Here's two, I'm currently working on a third. As such, I should state that I really have no idea what I'm doing, and have zero artistic background. If anyone can point my way to how to actually shade things and jazz, that'd be much appreciated.


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Hope you all had a good break.