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Thread: Advice for a beginner

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  1. #1
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    North Carolina, USA

    Help Advice for a beginner

    Hey guys and gals. I located this forum several days ago, and have spent the days since perusing all the great work that is posted here, and looking at some tutorials. So it's great to meet everyone! I'm an aspiring fantasy author, and I love the idea of creating my own maps for my world. Being able to see the maps really gives me a good idea of where characters are and where they need to be going. Up to this point, I've mostly just been able to make rough sketches of large continental maps, but have wanted to get more detailed with creating city maps.

    The problem I am running into is I can't really get detail that I like beyond just the sketch of the area. I have a Lenovo Miix tablet (basically a surface pro) with a pen, and am using the Autodesk Sketch app to draw the area. I am able to draw the outline of the landmasses, but when I get ready to draw buildings, vegetation, etc. I just can't get the details I want. Take a look at the attachment. You can see some of the buildings I've started on one of the islands on the right. They are really pixelated and just generally pretty rough looking. I don't know how to get any more detailed than that using GIMP or Photoshop, etc. I drew those building using the same sketch app I mentioned before.

    After some research, I found that I would need to use GIMP or photoshop to get the detail I need for that kind of stuff, and I have downloaded those programs, but for the life of me I can't wrap my head around them. It's all so overwhelming with all the things those programs can do. I tried to search for tutorials, but there is so much on here that it's a bit overwhelming. If I'm being honest, I don't even know where to start with trying to find the answers I'm looking for. So I figured I would go to this city mapping forum for the best answers. For reference of what I'm looking for, here's a couple of finished city maps that I really like, and have the detail that I'm looking for. Credit to those who did this work:

    I specifically like the detail on the second link, as it is laid out more like a "map" like you'd see on google maps and the like.

    So, if there are some tutorial threads that you know of that tie into what I'm looking for, I'd love to take a look at those! Thank you all so much for your help. I'm excited to hang out with you all.
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