Hi Everyone... well, chiefly Waldronate, perhaps?

I've been doing some work in the background, messing around with the idea of shaded mountains - mountains that shade themselves when plonked down in a CC3 map, and I've got a bit side tracked by a request for a world map. (Odd, I know, since I'm not particularly known for my world maps, but this is a personal friend and I'm really just pottering around at the moment while I'm still not feeling very well, so I thought I'd have a go at it. I mean, just how difficult is this world map thing anyway Yeah - I KNOW about it now! LOL!)

Ok, so I've figured out that even though I have a really nice coastline shape from Fractal Terrains the mountains aren't necessarily in the right place, so I decided to use the coastline and draw the height map in Krita, so that I could then erode it nicely in Wilbur. Krita, because unlike GIMP it can work in and produce pngs that are 16 bit greyscale, and not just 8 bit like GIMP. (Working in GIMP leaves you with a few nasty terrace problems to try and resolve before you even think about erosion and stuff in Wilbur, which uses 16 bit greyscale height maps)

So I painted my land shapes not quite black in Krita, and painted my mountains in, using a sheet of fractal noise that I'd previously crafted in Wilbur, and almost immediately hit a problem.

The mountains are working out fine, as you can see below, but I can't work out exactly what shade of not quite black to paint my land shapes so that they are seen by Wilbur as being land, rather than sea. In the 16 bit greyscale there are 65535 different shades of grey between black and white, but which one of them should I be using to avoid the land itself looking like its way higher than the ocean (note the small cliff around the coast)

At the moment I have it shaded at grey 2570 on that scale, but I think it may be a bit high. What I'd like to know is - what is the right shade of grey to use for my land base in my height map?

Wilbur Question.jpg