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Thread: Focused Critique - First Map - CAUTION LOAD MAY BE SLOW!

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    Wip Focused Critique - First Map - CAUTION LOAD MAY BE SLOW!

    Hey all,

    My Name is Terry Burgenheim, I live in Tennessee in the USA.

    I stumbled upon your site a few weeks back desperate for some help with some mapping resources for a game im working on.

    The game is a solo project and has been concepted for over 9 months now.

    I had finally reached the point where I had to start showing off some of these concepts. Mainly, for myself, but, also for those of you that are married will understand, for my wife and family, whom, bless their hearts, have no clue what it is or what it takes to make a game or even some of the resources for a game OR even a concept for a game.

    You know.. when they start to give you that eye, you know, like, what are you doing in there on those COUNTLESS hours in front of the computer honing your skills and reading and studying and learning and practicing and reading some more.. LOL

    SO, without further a due, this map is of one of the main regions of my game called the Draceion Isle.

    It is now the home and the safe-haven for the mystical creatures and humanoids left on the planet. Namely the Dragons, Dragon kind, and Giants, there are plenty of others seeking refuge here as well hoping the Dragons will protect them from the Anointed, some real bad dudes that were good but turned worse after their hearts turned black....... its a long story... But they have taken over the planet and are killing good and evil creatures alike, they believe the planet belongs to them and will stop at nothing to make sure everyone else knows it. The only ones left strong enough to stop them is the dragons, but their own personal squabbling and fighting amongst themselves cause the Anointed to get the upper hand and kill thousands of dragons and their cousins before they even knew what hit them. Leaving only a hand full left in respite and fear.

    Everyone that's left, have moved into the old cities and homes of the ancient Titans, their cities are in ruin and rubble now after centuries of neglect.

    So here we are... on the raggedy edge...

    Draceion isle...

    I just finished the rivers but im not happy with them.

    I have still to put the towns and roads in, the dragons lairs are up in the north west area, still to be put in of course.

    I followed a mixture of ROBA and Pyrandons tutorials for this.

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    Last edited by ravells; 10-31-2008 at 07:38 PM. Reason: Thumbnailing image.

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