MbF Map.jpg

Hey guys, I threw this together to understand a bit about how my story world works. Please note that north and south are on the sides. I need to work on geology and weather and ice caps and stuff like that. I'm going to remake this soon I just threw it together in photoshop.

My question is how does one build a worldwide climate? Should I start with tectonic plates and work my way from there? I know Ataria needs some mountains and oceans but I'm such a detail freak I don't know where to start. Because mountains and oceans or seas relate to weather and rain patterns. Delphos is roughly earth sized. Probably a little bigger.

Any comments or links to tutorials would be helpful. I took a geology course but it was an intro. I might be over thinking this for a story that probably doesn't need that level of detail but I want to at least try and see where it takes me.

Thank you for any feedback.