As usual for the master procrastinator that I am, I started this map on the last day of the challenge (though I've been thinking about it for a week).

So here it is, the first and the last WIP Not terribly happy with how it turned out, but since I've worked on it for the better part of today, I decided to post it nonetheless.

Chalk on wall, 100 x 130 cm

Again, please forgive the low quality photo taken with my phone.

In case you are wondering what does the text say, I'm not really sure*, but it must be something along these lines:

As the sun begins to set on the evening of the autumn equinox, five hours after noon, the place where the shadow of the greater pillar meets the path between the lesser pillars hides the entrance to the... Since I'm not very good at coming up with stories, I had to curl the scroll at this point to conceal my lack of inspiration.

### Latest WIP ###

X Marks The Spot.jpg

* actually, I do know what it says there, but it's even less interesting than my make-believe interpretation above...