I'd rather see a general warning on prices rather than a specific price.
The prices range is too large to go in the specifics.
Setting the price too high might discourage potential clients with smaller budget and those with smaller projects too.

More like something in the lines of this: http://lcproofblog.co.za/wp-content/...6/Picture1.jpg

Maybe give a small explanation on how we calculate the price.
For example: this map took 20 hours to complete. To estimate how much the artist will charge, multiply the number of hours by an "acceptable" hourly rate. (I agree that acceptable can be difficult to describe)

In my case, the minimum wage is 11,25 CAN$, we have to find some way to tell the client that anything below 225 $ is likely to insult the artist.
But if I was living in another country where to cost of living is lower, 225$ might be a lot of money.
If I lived in Toronto, I'd charge double