Hello wonderful Cartographer's Guild!
My name's Soraya. It's lovely to meet you all. I'm a fantasy writer and I make maps. The second is a more recent development. I've been working on multiple manuscripts for several years now and only just got serious about cartography. I've always been artistic and I would hand-draw maps for my own projects, but I wanted to take it to the next level. With my photoshop experience from a graphic design class, I've thrown myself into the deep end of creating maps.

My Twitter friends love my work, but let's face it, they're writers and I love them to death, but they're not cartographers. I'm hoping to post a couple examples here, so the pros and more experienced artists can give me any tips or critique.

Please drop in and say Hi! Or look me up on Twitter @sorayacorcoran

I attached my latest map. It's for one of my own novels. Let me know what you guys think and if I can improve on anything at all. Thanks!

Valen Antique.jpg