This will be my first challenge since joining the guild. I am hoping to use it as a slight excuse to put more time into physically mapping rather than planning my larger world. Since this is my first challenge please dont hesitate to correct me should I be doing something wrong!

For the challenge I will be drawing a pirate's treasure map. I got the idea from the stereotypical bone shape the island reminded me of. We will see how long/far I will follow this idea for though.

This is my first draft of my map done entirely in pencil. I realize that it is not a perfect replica of the actual map but my paper would not stay still while I traced over my screen . The only intentional difference is the island in the North-east corner. I added this to help fit my theme but should the change be too much I can still take it away.
### Latest WIP ###
First draft Sabre-Bone's Island.JPG
(Also, sorry for the terrible quality but because I have been writing so lightly a scanner could not pick up my lines.)(Also sorry for the handwriting)