While this isn't a mapping problem, I suspect this is the best place to find those who can do this with the tools at hand. I'm exploring the ramifications of various races seeing different portions of the spectrum - affecting both visible and hyperspectral wavelengths and trying to find ways to show what this would look like. I suspect that the shifts in color perception (from partial colorblindness) can be readily modeled with graphic program color filtering - although I don't know enough about them to do so. More difficult would be to model ultraviolet and/or infrared vision but I hope to some degree possible as well.

If you're curious about tackling this puzzle please see the thread over on the Campaign Builders Guild on How Orkhs See http://www.thecbg.org/e107_plugins/f...php?56792.last - especially my later post in it with various graphics snagged from wikipedia.

Now playing: Nakai Eaton Clipman - Feather, Stone & Light
via FoxyTunes

Now playing: Joan Baez - Suzanne
via FoxyTunes