First i apologize for the somehow small image.
This is my second map for RPG Now, hence i don't want to publish a full size anywhere else

About the map.
This is actually really old project of mine, that was sitting in a folder somewhere deep inside my HDD. I had the lines done months ago, but when i came back to it i decided to redrew everything. Somewhere along the way i remembered that i always wanted to try a "nighttime" map. There are so few outdoor night maps out there, right ? At least i can't find many. All dark maps are usually indoor/dungeon ones.

So anyway. I took my chance in different colours for a "nighty-night" map and it turn out pretty nice in my opinion. It is much harder to graps the idea of shadow though. The subtle light of the moon dosen't create that sharp shadows like during the day, so i had to experiment. Not entirely sure if i did it right though.
