Caragon is inspired by various cities of the Imperium Romanum. The city is located on the mountainous island of Lidane, which is a client state of Cumea (the Rome of my fantasy world). One problem of the shown map: The city as depicted on this map is way too big. Realistic would be something like Carnuntum or Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium.

I did this map more than 10 years ago with quill pen and ink and it took me ages. So I was always frustrated when looking at it and thinking that the map is outdated and the whole concept of the city not very realistic. Some weeks ago I had the idea that the map was done by an "in-world" archeologist who got carried away (think of someone like Schliemann): He excavated parts of the city, mixed up different layers and filled the blank spaces of the map by guessing how the city could have looked like.
Since then there were more recent and accurate excavations and historians had to redo the whole map. Just like them I want to redo the city map. So if there is something you think looks odd/unrealistic beside the size please let me know! I would love to get some critic and input that I can consider when doing the new version of the map!

(I'm sorry the picture isn't the best - it was the best I could manage with my camera)
