First I would like to preface with, this is most definitely a work in progress and progress is going to be very slow. Due to circumstances outside of my control the next few months I only have access to my Chromebook, so all of this is running CC3+ via Wine. The technical frustrations have been well... frustrating to say the least.

This is an island for a campaign my wife is running. This island takes place in a low-magic setting due to certain circumstances on the island causing magic to die out. There are going to be inconsistencies with how the biomes of the island, but she assures me that they have a storyboard reason and all will be revealed in time. The southern portion that is a darker green has been unexplored, so there is no real detail, and only mystery as to what is there.

This is based off of an old map that she drew way before we ever met and has been wanting to re-make it for some time now, and I have been given the go ahead to just run with it. I don't plan on keeping any of the symbols that are in place as they will be drawn in later via either photoshop or illustrator. What I have here is the basic outline of the map, and I plan on making it look a bit nicer before I attempt hand-drawing in the details. One idea I had was making this a B&W map and either inking the details in after.

Any and all critiques and criticisms are welcome!

Map v2-2.png