Hello friends,

I'm pretty much done with the inking, so here's my entry for the challenge. It's called Guildia and it represents the most awesome online community I've even been a part of. By far!

Since this is my largest map to date, I wanted to include most of the people I have interacted with one way or another recently, and then some more. The list was even longer, but upon hitting the 60 labels mark, I thought it's time to stop. The names are unchanged for the most part, hopefully I haven't misspelled anything...

As the paper is nearly A2 in size, I will wait with the scanning and painful stitching until the end. Till then, pictures taken with my phone will have to do. Please forgive the poor quality...

### Latest WIP ###

Guildia 1.jpg

Questions, comments, suggestions, critiques? I'd love to hear them. Thanks!