I wasn't even thinking about entering this challenge; I was content to simply enjoy the other entries, especially since I just finished the March regular challenge. But as I was falling asleep last night, my evil brain whispered, "Pssst. Hey! Yeah, you! With the back-to-back-to-back meetings and tons of new work projects! You know what would be cool? Mapping Guildworld like it's on Star Trek. You should get on that, the deadline is approaching." Now, I've never made such a map before. It never even crossed my mind that I would make such a map, because I make maps for my D&D game, and it's definitely not in space. But here I am. This is also my first map that didn't start with pencil and paper, although I did draw the world map (flat) on a Wacom tablet in Photoshop. This is a very rough draft, just to see if I could create something that looked okay enough to post here. I have a feeling that the feedback will be invaluable, since this is way outside my comfort zone and will require me to learn new techniques and think of mapping in a different way. I'm considering everything to be a placeholder at this point, although I'll probably stick with the current names.

### Latest WIP ###
Guildworld Mockup v1 (sm).jpg