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Thread: New World (Help with Tectonics?)

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  1. #11


    Aha of course! Thanks! Is there an easier way to set a continent to 0 present-day rotation if you've dragged it to another location? So far, I have just been redrawing exactly where I want present-day locations - which is a bit tedious when I keep changing it around.

    Anyway, that worked nicely, so here are the main rifts and flow lines with present-day subduction zones. I'd be interested to know if there is anything which seems very unlikely, or difficult to justify?

    I'm also wondering: The ocean which has mostly closed with the collision of two continents still has a piece left in the middle. Must this subduct somewhere, or could it be absorbed into a plate with the semi-new oceanic crust around it? I remember reading that once subduction begins, the plate is doomed, but is this always 100% the case?


    Also, a view centred on 180 - I'm wondering about this big piece of ocean. I think the most likely scenario would be that after 'Purple' continent has moved westwards towards the rift, it left a lot of oceanic crust in its trail. This crust then splits, and starts subducting, or would it still be forming a mid-oceanic ridge? Or maybe the split should first occur closer to the continents?

    Last edited by davoush; 04-06-2018 at 10:44 AM.

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