Maps... I feel like they give everything around us some sort of relational realness. I mean how big is this world REALLY? Maybe I got ahead of myself.

Hey everybody, my name is Josh and I am from Pennsylvania, US. Whether we are talking about real world orienteering maps, geocaching, or even better the endless worlds of RPGs... I dig maps. It is, of course, the RPG that has landed me here as I do not have the dedication and skill to create real life maps. I certainly have the drive however to try my best at bringing my RPG world to life. I have tried a few places that generate random maps for RPGs and while they are awesome... I never feel they are exactly what I want.

So here starts my cartography journey it seems. I love forward to being a part of this community and using this forum to create a world that my next set of RPG players feel fully imersed in. After all, maps just give a world some sort of .... (oh wait, I said that above before I realized I started at the end....)
