So as I mentioned over in Nopkin's thread a few days ago, I've been struggling with a "blah" mood over the last week. It is starting to fade. One of the things coming out of that mood is a sense of dissatisfaction with where this map was going, or, to be more precise, an unhappiness with the way it wasnt quite coming together. As a result of that, I rebooted it this morning with an entirely different approach. Still have a lot of work to do (finishing up river/lake placement and height field editing as well as forest placememt) and it is a somewhat slow process given that I do some work, run a "quick" render in terragen and then repeat the process again and again until things are where I want them, but I am making steady progress. Here is the latest rough version of what I have accomplished so far. It looks a little odd in some places because I haven't done any height field edition yet, but that will com soon...I hope.

### Latest WIP ###
2018 MALC WIP 101.jpg