I have 4,000+ 'orphan' place-names that require a new map created for them!

The project will be based around the U.K./Eire peninsula and 'Doggerland' area of Western Europe, presuming this particular landscape to have experienced tectonic lift of 120 metres.

I'm presently working at imbuing each place-name with an individual population count and the idea will be to intelligently 'marry' geographic features with the appropriate place-names. Cities &/or large towns would require named suburbs and all places would be shaped by their local terrains.

Rivers, major road & rail networks, mines and airports - including extrapolations of such real-life features would be required, as would be land-usage and natural terrain information.

The land regions exposed by the effective drop in sea-level would require new international boundaries, but maybe more than 90% of the 'new land' should be British/Irish.

I would anticipate a second larger-scale map covering all of Europe would eventually follow this one - to then include just the major cities/towns from this map, to which would be added equivalent place-names for major locations in the other European countries... where coastal nations gaining fresh land might cede some inland areas to other, landlocked countries - if you 'get my drift'?

Regular back & forth communications will be required, but essentially, I'd like all the location placements to be out of my (bit jaded) hands... subject to ongoing constructive critique, naturally!

Contact me for more detail, if this sounds interesting to you.