Quote Originally Posted by Charerg View Post
I'm a bit late to the party, but I'd like to comment that the trade winds are a bit off in this one. If the trades cross the equator, the direction of the coriolis force inverts, and the (originally easterly) trade winds become deflected into westerlies. See the Indian Monsoon, for example, though this happens in Africa too (this is why Somalia is in the rain shadow of the Ethiopian Plateau).

Here's another picture of the phenomenon:
I need to remember that.

Davoush: I'm not sure how to interpret the climate map. Did you used the script to generate the map?
I might have concerns about the steppes and deserts at high latitude. The model allow to have negative evaporation rate. It is not possible (actually yes, marginally, example if you have snow blown by the winds and the snow melt in the summer, evaporation could be negative if the snow doesn't count as precipitation since it's not falling from the sky)
but it match the reality on the ground that high latitude are extremely unlikely to be arid even if it barely rain/snow.
I am not sure if the logic is the same if we increase the temperature extremes, especially in summer. I have absolutely no idea because negative evaporation never made a lot of sense to me.

About temperature, it could be fairly easy to estimate the temperatures based on solar energy received. The maximum temperature area shift according to the difference in tilt.

The transition seems pretty rapid: Cwa, Dwa, Dwb???, Dfb, Cfb ?
It could be ok. Transitions like that exist on Earth, albeit with different conditions. It is plausible.
The only problem is the Cfb, it would be to cold for that climate. So it could be Dfc or a tundra if temperature are never higher than 10.

On the other continent, the climate goes from summer dry to humid to winter dry... I think the transition is way too small.
I'm not sure what's the best way to solve this but since the continent is not that large, maybe it should have more f climates.
Or it could be a steppe like Argentina.