Hi there, fellow cartographers. I've been browsing through all the useful information contained in this forum for a long time and finally decided to make an account to seek assistance on a snag I've hit with my most recent map. I've followed Arsheesh's Eriond style tutorial to produce the attached height maps. I deviated from the instructions a little bit and used a land mask to keep all the operations on the land only, and changed some of the numbers for the incise flow process because the dimensions of the map were significantly larger.
My problem now is that whilst the product from Wilbur looks fine, I don't want as many rivers as it has given me. I'd like to be able to set the frequency/size of rivers based on regional rainfall/climate. So for example, the northwestern part of the map is supposed to be a dry and cold region, not awash with rivers. I'm not sure the best way to go about this. I considered either selecting only certain parts of the map to apply the incise flow operation, or perhaps just putting the Wilbur output into Photoshop and manually drawing on the rivers I'd like to keep. For the latter method, I'm not sure as to the exact methodology I would even use, since even if I traced the rivers onto the original pre-Wilbur height map, it doesn't look the same at all. Does the incise flow operation have an effect other than creating the river gaps in the terrain?
The other thing I'm struggling with is figuring out how to add realistic lakes to the map. Eriond's guide makes no mention of this point and I had no luck getting it to work following Fun With Wilbur Vol.5 (?). I really have no idea the best way to do this so any guidance on this point would be greatly appreciated.
I'm sure there are other methods to do this, but I've already put in a lot of time airbrushing the current height map so I'd like to make something of it, if possible. I've read all of the Wilbur guides and dug for as many threads and comments as possible but I'm getting pretty lost and frustrated so I figured I'd try my luck asking for some tips. Thanks for taking the time to read.