"On the horizon, you can see a great wall of land-- No! Not just one isle, but many. Winds gust, shearing sails from mast; broken hulls splinter from the depth, crushed by stony giant's teeth; treasures shimmer through the riptide below. But, in the midst, there is calm. Sandy beaches, mysterious jungles, and is that even the remnants of a bonfire? Perhaps, if a brave adventurer can survive it past to golden shores, they'll find adventure and history beyond their wildest dreams..."

This is another map that I did for the joint Patreon page of Greg and me. The shaded terrain is something that I have never done before and I also tried some new things with the rhumblines and I'm very happy with how everything turned out

Kawa Mauwi Archipelago VTT.jpg

As always, let me know your thoughts!