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Thread: Need guidance on mountains - shape, size, shading

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    Default Need guidance on mountains - shape, size, shading

    Hello cartographers,

    I've recently started trying to draw maps - I was working on a D&D Campaign and I figured, well, I need graphics. I need a map! Let's do a map! Sooner than later I found it to be not as easy as I thought it'd be - but I've fallen in love with it. Like, love at first sight.
    Now, I'm a total beginner - fortunately, at the moment I have plenty of free time, so I've been practicing pretty much non-stop. However mountains .... whether because I have no artistic background or much knowledge, or because they're particularly difficult - or I am particularly difficult, I can't seem to figure out a way to draw them.

    Precisely, I am looking at a way to display mountains on a world map and on some localized maps. I've attempted the triangle option, the "draw it in detail and make a brush" option and the "make a texture and apply it" option. None of which I particularly like.

    This is what I've done so far:

    a) My latest mountains. They still don't really look good to me, what could I do to improve?

    b) The latest attempt at a map where I used brushes of mountains I drew individually

    c) The previously made map where I drew the triangle version

    In c) there's also attempts at hills, which I like how they came out, and a forest - which absolutely boggles my mind as well.

    I've gotta mention that everything I've done so far has been done using your guys' tutorials. What can I do to improve on my mountains (and forests)?

    Thank you!

    EDIT: I'd like to keep things as hand drawn as possible!
    Last edited by QT3.14; 05-01-2018 at 07:29 PM.

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