I started this map as soon as I saw that this challenge was a free challenge but this was my first access to a scanner. The Title is sort-of work in progress at the moment because I am not sure if my creatures here are going to be called Steamodiles. That name just seems to technical for a steam breathing crocodile. I have not yet come up with a cooler name though.

So some background on steamodiles. They are large crocodiles that breath steam. Here is their place in the reptilian strength order.
Lizard→Small snake→Alligator→Large snake→crocodile→steamodile→T-rex→Steamodile swarm
So dont mess with a steamodile. They are one of the fastest and deadliest reptiles in the world with only one area of land actually able to support swarms of steamodiles, thus named, Valley of the Steamodiles.

I still have half the map to draw, the entire left side. I plan on putting a stone-henge-ish region there. This will include causeways, causewayed enclosures, many roundbarrows, and henges themselves. Other than this, I just need to detail the hills to the bottom right and put in the title.

Other ideas, especially for a cool name for steamodiles, would be appreciated.
### Latest WIP ###
Steamodile valley draft 1.jpg