Once again, long time no see!

Lately i dabble a bit with watercolours and it is so much fun! I have a nice Schmincke Aquarell set lying around for years now but never really tried my hands at it...
So i wanted to share my first traditionally coloured map with you. It was inspired by Meshon's lovely Pinecone Hold, one of my favourite hand drawn village maps last year, and could be one of the lesser known outposts in the fabled Mouse Territories using the mossy rocks and treeroots as natural fortification against the everlurking predators...


There is a long road ahead of me with so many things to learn about watercolours. I was able to apply some bits of my knowledge from digital colouring, although working with an actual brush, paint and water is quite an adventure compared to my usual workflow with gimp... but as Meshon often says, the fun of working with traditional tools is exactly that you have no "ctrl+z"! Any tips, critique and suggestions are more than welcome.
Hope you enjoy!
