I've made maps before, but never an atlas-styled map in great detail. This is kinda my third attempt at such a style. I mostly followed Kindari's instructions, but I made several changes to suit my personal taste. I used Photoshop CS6 for this purpose.

1. Mountains: Well, this is the hardest part of any map-making for me and I used shaded relief to denote mountains instead of the usual difference clouds because I wanted them to look prominent and not just some illusion of bevel and emboss feature. And I find shaded-relief more beautiful than simple bevel/emboss.

2. Feathering selection for shore-line: This part was adjusted later on, but I skipped doing this because in my map, there's a tiny group of islands within a lake. When I use feather selection and then bevel/emboss, it gives those islands an unwanted glow.

I guess Kindari didn't account for that initially. Overall, he did an awesome job with his tutorial, and if he's reading this, I thank him very much for taking the time to create such a detailed tutorial.

I've attached an atlas-styled map of sorts. It's not yet complete, but the basic bones and structure are there. Please comment and let me know what you think on my take of Atlas-styled maps. If anyone wants details on how-to, I'll gladly share my secrets. My PM seems to be off until I have 5 posts, so you have to comment below.

Oh, and I'm a nOOb here, so please don't mind if this thread is posted in the wrong place.

Experiment Tag.jpg