I have been working on this world for two years now, through the lore, and its atlas.
It started out as a pencil drawing in a sketchbook, then I brought it closer to life digitally in Photoshop, Wilbur, and Fractal Terrains 3. As of late, I have basically been working by hand placing elevations and mountains, and carving unique coastlines using Photoshop.
Then I import to Wilbur, and let it work its magic. Lastly I am able to import my once hand drawn world into Fractal Terrains 3, but was not happy with it yet, so what you see here is Photoshop and Wilbur.
I've place 3 major plateus, curious spots within my world based on real life geography, and plate tectonics.
Critiques, and advice needed. Thank you!

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