
My name is Brendan. I’ve followed this site with interest for many years. It’s a fantastic resource, with a talented and friendly community behind it.

I’m creating a set of cartography stamps, to serve as a map-making accessory for tabletop role-playing games. These are traditional art stamps, made of vulcanized rubber and mounted on wooden blocks.

I'd like to get some feedback on the artwork I’m using for the prototype, which depicts common elements like mountains, forests, and seas. Where should I post? General and Miscellaneous Mapping? Mapping Elements might be a good fit, except that this is a work-in-progress, rather than a finished resource.

I hope to create a basic set myself, and then hire an artist to create artwork for additional sets. I’m curious how to draw up a contract for that sort of work, but I'll save those questions for the Mapmaking Requests forum.