I’m creating a set of cartography stamps, to serve as a map-making accessory for tabletop role-playing games. These are traditional art stamps, made of vulcanized rubber and mounted on wooden blocks.

I’d like some feedback on the artwork I’m using for the prototype.

So far, I’ve designed seven stamps for the basic set:
  • Mountains
  • Hills
  • Woods
  • Grassland
  • Sea
  • Village
  • Tower

Below is a sample of the artwork...

20180627 large woods (cropped).png

The scale varies a lot, which could be a problem. Here is the same map with smaller trees...

20180627 small woods (cropped).png

Any feedback or advice is welcome.

Known issues:

I may eventually create stamps for rivers and roads, but not as part of the basic set. For now, players have to draw these by hand, placing them along the faces between adjacent hexes.

The artwork fills the entire hex, so there isn’t any room for text. I’m exploring various solutions, such as creating semi-opaque stickers shaped like scrolls, as a companion for the stamps.