Quote Originally Posted by XCali View Post
Hi! Welcome to the guild.

Is this your first ever map? Or just your first map here on the guild? Either way, great map!

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Onto the map. I really like a lot of what you did with the map. At first could hardly see anything that I would change, but looking closer there things that would sell the map better to onlookers.

The three caves close to each other caught my eye, the way your main light is pointing makes it odd that you have it that way. The top one isn't the one catching the light, it is the bottom of the three, even a bit of the middle one. Now, unless that cave immediately drop down, it wouldn't have a shadow at the entrance, but on the side of it.
Do yourself a ONCE off favor. Add a big huge Arrow pointing across the map in the direction of the light and then take that fact in and the tweak the shadows of the map. Again, I really like a lot what you did with the map. I am just giving possible ideas you can try.

One other thing struck me as odd, what is the reason for the white blotches where the deepest water of the lakes should be? I would have tried a darker blue there.

I see you really like a cloudy blurred brush for the surrounding lands. If it was me, I would choose one with a touch more detail to just touch up the ground, medium to low opacity. Not to much, just here and there maybe. (Though, this entirely optional.)

Anyway, all of this was added because you asked for feedback. It is truly already a good map. *high five*
Wau, Thanks a lot, that was exactly what I wanted - as much advice as possible, because this is really my first map ever... Never did that before, but I learned a lot by looking at Mike Schleys maps, some tutorials on youtube and from other sources and this is result.

I will improve the three caves, you are right, the shading and lightning is wrong (partly because I improved the hill shades too hastily). To be honest, I did the trick with the arrow, aiming as the light does, but sometimes it didn't helped me, I am still new in this, so hopefully it will get better with time (it's easy, when the building wasnt in the exact direction of light).

The blotches are geysyers (its acidic water)... Damm, if you didnt recognize that on a first glimps, that has to be improved also... :-D

But, thanks a lot anyways, still have a lot of work on it... :-D