Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
I know Blaidd does it with ink before coloring with crayons (no watercolor for him). I gets really good results. Maybe ask him through PM ? My opinion on the maps, it is superb but the colors are a bit bright for my tastes. And your towers are really well shaded
Is Blaidd a watercolourist? I never knew that. I'll take up your suggestion, Thom, and write to Blaidd. And thanks for the comment

Quote Originally Posted by Chlodowech View Post
first of all, i have to say that i've never worked with watercolour pencils, so everything i'll say about it is based on things i assume by looking at the result on your drawing, which is btw a very nice one.
Thank you Chlodowech!!! That is fantastic advice and the details you have given are very very much appreciated I was concerned that grey would make the image look a bit flat, but I think your experience and tips have convinced me to give it another try.

Quote Originally Posted by Azélor View Post
What time is it?
I haven't really thought too much about that, actually. Usually I just pick a direction and start shading.
