Against my better judgement - isn't it always... - I'm going to take on another personal goal and enter the challenge! I am going to draw an island in the flavor of Myst. I'm including some features that have been in my head for a while, including the Myst-like mechanical elements, descriptive annotations, putting these rocks from near where I live in the snow, and going back to my good ol' color pencils.

To start off, today I built up all the major elements of the island and inked them, to make copying them into the second map easier. I'm going with a shaky-hand sketch style to obscure differences between the two maps.

### Latest WIP ###

Rekhan's workshop is in the northwest corner of the island. There, he has living quarters, shop space, an observatory, a derrick to bring cargo up from the nearby docks, and one end of a tramway that threads through the island. A path leads down from the workshop to the docks, and beyond that, to a mechanical maintenance shed and a lagoon where Rekhan goes fishing to sustain himself. By tram, he can quickly get to the maintenance shed, into the storehouse within the mountain, to the lagoon, and out to a rotating refractor device that he uses to conduct experiments and perfect his arts.

Now I just have to copy all this onto the facing page of my notebook, and I can start to add the seasonal details...