I dig the style of these maps; it's simple, but there's a good sense of historicity to them, and they have certainly piqued my curiosity. Some questions to start then:

1a) Can we get some summary definitions of keywords here? I want to know what these are: First Rhual'Akhar, Qilar, and Kufian.

1b) I'd also be curious as to the significance of the Prophet King and his death and why those are important.

2a) Very pressing question: the society depicted in the first map seems pretty well developed to have that many provinces and settlements, but its built around the North Pole! How do they even function? It's cold as heck up there...right?

2b) Follow up question: what about that country/kingdom, which seems pretty small relative to the rest of the world, makes it so significant as to deserve it's own minimap? My suspicion is this answer is tied to the answer for 1b, but how I can only imagine.

Would love to see more from this project! Keep it up!