a few things:

Why is South Qilahne sitting on the North Pole and North Qilahne located south of the Northern part?
Why is the North Pole not a frozen wasteland? does the planet have a different tilt/atmosphere/something than Earth to explain this?

There are some incoherence with the river system, unless these are meant to be straits.
You have two large inner ''seas'' with multiple rivers flowing outward. If these are really rivers, there can be only one per water body unless there is a major flood going on.
They are too narrow and homogeneous to be straits.

But they are really big lakes with too small water bassin to fill them naturally, unless it is a very rainy climate.
They must be the result of a deglaciation like many lakes in the Northern hemisphere.
or salt water that was somehow trapped when the sea level dropped, like the Caspian sea. If that is the case, while the salt concentration is much lower than the ocean, it would still be too high to drink or use for agriculture. And the rivers would also be salty.