Full-size version: https://www.deviantart.com/ashtagon/...llot-757676232

Alexis Jaillot 1708 28e k7a.jpg

Some questions for further development:

1: I want to make a modern world development of this map, imagining that this was a 100% accurate map (well, to the extent that coastlines were completed anyway) and extrapolating to present day. I need to understand the climate better. Given the geography, would Australia's climate and/or vegetation be radically different? How so?

2: Same question for NW America. In particular, that inland sea is troubling for geology purposes. It looks like the southern and possibly eastern coast should generally be unsuitable for harbours, possibly mostly cliff-like. Does that make sense given everything else? How would the radically different coastline affect vegetation and climate?

3: Should I use this Antarctica, or a different one? In particular, I'm tempted to replace that Antarctica with this one: https://www.deviantart.com/ashtagon/...tica-732141382

4: Anything else I missed that should change greatly as a result of the changed geography?