A recent commission that was finalized this week. I've been working a little with perspective lately and, town building within that but had never done anything this large and detailed before. The brief was a middle eastern town with a sort of, petra influence with a few key buildings woven in. Also needed to be within a walled valley area with directions for the exits but otherwise it was pretty freeform with creating districts and placement.

Researched a little of that area of development and such, had a mood board which was nice too and then sketched from there to start. On a project this big ther is definitely a lot I'd try to do differently next time. Would be nice to have a bigger canvas to start and tae more time, although, obviously when the price is right haha. With a bigger canvas I feel like I could have detailed a little more.. like with the farmland are and maybe adding a bit more detail to the buildings. Honestly not too happy with the cavern wall styles yet either, still working on a style I like, and that looks right for me. I do a lot more top down but not much of this perspective so played around a little with linework, shadowing. Going to be practicing cavern walls in my spare time now lol. And god damn it, still don't have a brush i love just yet.

BUt yeh, was fun push the boundaries of what i was used to and branch out a little. to practice more perspective mapping.

hadar 1.3 no title.jpg