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Thread: Variations on Browenmill

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    Default Variations on Browenmill

    So a while ago, Larb posted a map of a small mill called 'Browenmill'.


    I loved the simplicity of it and thought that it could easily be adapted into a small keep. I posited that the look could be modified to incorporate multiple levels (below) as well as additional rooms within the courtyard.

    browenmill-1floors.png browenmill-6.png

    This wouldn't be a large keep - just something of a minor branch of a semi-noble family, perhaps the home of a knight charged with protecting a village or a valley.


    I wasn't exactly sure if the main gate would be defendable enough to provide adequate protection so I made a second variation with a simple tower barbican.

    I figured that the inclusion of a second gate would protect the entrance and give the defenders a better chance against swarm attacks (goblins, etc.) But this original design was very limited in space. it didn't, in my original design, have a stable or a barracks to house the guard. So I would need to add at least one more building and this meant that it would need a second yard as well. The idea being that the first floor of the building would be the stables and the second would be for the guard. I also added another tower barbican to help protect the gate. Conceptually there could be another corner watch tower.

    Blackwood-Hall-45.png Blackwood-Hall-11.png

    Some additional variations on this idea lead me to the following concepts:
    (which I will have to add in a follow-up post)

    Comments welcome!
    -Green Pilgrim
    Last edited by Green-Pilgrim; 08-12-2018 at 11:08 PM.
    Larger copies of my maps located on flickr and can be used for your enjoyment.

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