Hey guildfellows !

Lately, I've been juggling with some hired works and a demanding 18 month old. Work has been going slowly but it's getting back to its usual pace, that's why I can show you this one. A world map for a private TTRPG party. It's a B&W map but its likely to get color in the next few month (as well as continental maps but it's not decided yet). It's been pretty fun to work on and I found peace in the curved hatchings shared by the compass rose and the title and the border. I think it contributes largely to the look of the map. It's one I'm pretty happy with. The labeling has been challenging as the client asked for minimum surface so that the names do not hide the map too much. In his words "it doesn't matter if I have to over-zoom it !" (slight paraphrase here but that's the spirit). The map is meant to be used on a screen and, having recently upgraded my setup from a Macbook Air 13" to a Macbook Pro 13" (mainly for RAM purpose), the Retina screen is scrambling my marks a little bit (that doesn't help for labels). I'd love to hear your thoughts on the map AND on the labeling.

Here comes the map (at full scale thanks to the client).


© Thomas REY - 2018 - All rights reserved

I hope you like it