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Thread: Crest Design Commission

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  1. #1
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected Brackhaus's Avatar
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    Mar 2015
    Kassel, Germany

    Default [Taken] Crest Design Commission

    First off - We are not (currently) looking to commission a map. So while this is not a perfect fit for this forum and may not be your particular call, it would be absolutely awesome if you could pass this on to someone who might be interested or point us into the right direction.

    We are looking for someone to professionally design the crests / logos / symbols of a scant dozen major factions of our upcoming space opera novel series - the ‘Virasana Empire’. The motifs are already set, what we need is someone to create the graphics in a way that manages to make them look consistent while at the same time stressing the cultural differences behind them.

    Right now, we are looking for a strong design rather than an elaborately coloured artwork. We are just beginning to get a feel for the visuals of this project and this would be the first step to create a baseline visual design.

    If you are curious about the setting, you can have a peek here:
    But be warned, it’s a wiki, and while you will find a lot of data on the universe there, it’s a work in progress.

    • plain B/W lineart files of the designed crests
    • maybe different styles of the same crest: elaborate baroque coat of arms, small corporate logo, etc. - this is up to your style, preferences and fees, much open to negotiation
    • all commercial rights, including modification

    • Money, depending on what you offer and how many variants and actual designs we are talking about.
    • Credit - in our books and all future artwork incorporating your designs
    • Apart from our gratitude, also a good chance to be asked first for all future commissions of the same project - maps, coverart, more crests…

    If there is anything that feels unclear to you, please ask. We are gladly offering tons of more information, but wanted to have this post to be as concise as possible. Very much looking forward to working with you!
    Last edited by Brackhaus; 09-16-2018 at 03:12 AM.

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